08 December, 2008

To 150, and beyond

Well, as you may or my not have (most likely not) noticed, Sonic Slam is at 150 comics...well, it was, as of early November, I updated with 5 more, yesterday. Here's 150, for your enjoyment...unless you've never read Sonic Slam before, in which case I recommend you start, here, at the crappy beginning. It gets better.

As for other things, I am planning a site 'upgrade', mainly the coramaximus main page. Hopefully, I'll be able to vitalise the site and...well, stuff will happen...

Here's to more...stuff...

29 September, 2008

The Road To 150

Well, there have been a string of Sonic Slam, updates, lately, and there's almost a 100% chance that it will get to 150 by the end of the year. Actually, #150 will probably be up by the end of October. Hopefully, I'll be able to boost to 200 by Mex's 6th...or 5th, depending on whether you count the year-long hiatus or not...

...oh, and that site I mentioned is online.

25 May, 2008


Ok, cool. With the latest comic up at this dumb site, I have finally (you know... after what...FIVE YEARS!!) gotten SonicJesus J. McSlamSauce up to 125. Go me, or something. SOMETHING!! (Ehh, whatever, nobody actually reads this, anyway...)

Now to just do something about #4 (since 3's already done, as you know... you don't? OMG, that's weird!). That site is a sort of joint project with a friend of mine, so it's not going to be so easy to put up. Collaboration is required, since it's the new sensation, these days. Newgrounds told me so, and it never lies unless I blam something, which I do, but that's not the point...

12 May, 2008


Well, I've finally brought back Sonic Slam, with a new comic you can read here, thus complying with goal number 1. I've also done #3 (have a look). Not sure if I'll be able to keep up a schedule, but here's hoping.

I'm not dead yet!

07 May, 2008

Okay, So I've Failed, Once Again...

Well, it seems as though I was unable to follow through with my promises. No comics up (I'm sorry), and I'm not sure If I'll update, ever again. A Tex-Mex mix of busyness and lack of motivation, as well as some other things......no, just the first two; has left me with little chance to do anything with the site. It's time to set some goals.

1) Sonic Slam will return by the end of the month - at least one comic

2) Sonic Slam will reach 125 by the...whatever birthday

3) The Mex site will be updated with the next comic. It will look slightly nicer.

4) There will be a new part of the site by the middle of the year (i.e before July)

I'm going to set myself to theses tasks, and even if I have to force myself to be motivated (or get someone to nag), I will do them


28 February, 2008

Finally, the Coz has come back to his blog!

Well, I haven't posted anything in well over a year. Ever since I put Sonic Slam on hiatus, I haven't had anything to write about, site-wise. If you want an everyday blog, check my Myspace one (I'll have a link to it on the right by the time anyone reads this...).

Well, good news - there's a more-than-50% chance that Sonic Slam will return. Since I'm a little pressed for ideas, it'll probably be a once-a-week thing, again, for a while.

Hey - it's better than nothing, right?
