Well, my hosting at Blue Host recently expired, and I changed hosts to one a little close to home. No problems there, though transferring my domain, itself was a bit of a bust. It didn't go through like it was supposed to, and now I have it on back-order. The domain 'coramaximus.com' is currently in some "redemption period", and I think it will be unavailable until new year. The alternative is to spend $70 (US) to redeem it then try to transfer it, again, so I decided it was for the best that I got myself another domain, at least until the old one is available again (assuming it ever is...).
So yeah, coramaximusentertainment.com is a thing, now. It still as crap as it ever was, and I'm still trying to figure iut how I want to continue it. With the NY wait for the old domain, I figure that's as good a deadline as any (to start with, anyway). I've got a few things I want to do, and I'm hoping I can tie them into the website, somehow. I have to start from the bottom - what does/should Coramaximus Entertainment offer?
Again, that's coramaximusentertainment.com.