14 June, 2009

Bender says "We're Back, Baby!" again.

That's right, folks, according to a couple of sources, as of the ninth of June, 2009, Futurama is back in town!

It looks like Family Guy is not the only Fox show to get a resurrection, because Comedy Central has picked up 26 NEW episodes of Futurama, to be aired in the Fall of 2010.

What could be better?

...well, I suppose they could do the same to Firefly...


Dark_Word said...

Did you see last night's Family Guy? The horses were all named after cancelled Fox shows... yet I didn't hear Firefly in there anywhere. BOO! And Peter's horse was retarded.

Anyway, I'm glad there's more Futurama.

Unknown said...

NO, I DIDN'T! F@$#! Oh well.

Maybe if they figured if they named one Firefly, they'd jinx it or something...

Again...more Futurama! Wooo!