Ok, I know I haven't written that much in this thing, but I have my reasons. Most of which stem from an inability to come up with anything to write, and worse, an inability to motivate myself to write it. The only reason I could come up with something, now, is this:
Upon opening up my twitter viewing ...thing... I noticed that my good friend had posted quite a few blog entries of his own. He had obviously been trying to write more, and it got me thinking that, maybe, I should write more, myself. It seems like a good enough way to get the creative juices going, and I always liked being a creator, rather than just a consumer.
The problem is, while this friend is already a fairly good creative writer, I am not so adept at writing things. Structure is fine - I know how to set things out. The main difficulty I have is in what to write.
Now, you're probably thinking that I'm doing a terrific job of it right now, but really that can be credited to a lot of luck on my part. Not to mention the fact that this writing is quite casual, and I'm just writing whatever comes to mind. I could not, in my wildest dreams, ever do any sort of writing for any REAL purpose - an essay, a report, etc - at least without a lot of help. Even now, I'm not entirely sure where I'm going with this...
Then again, maybe I'm just setting my expectations too high. Maybe this is what people do when they write reports, and then they just clean it up for the final draft. Still, they usually write thousands of words. Even when all of this, I'm struggling with three hundred.
(That was the three-hundredth)
I look back over that which I've written so far, this post, I see problems with things that don't make sense, and in some parts, I'm not sure I'm saying. I guess overall, I'm worrying too much. The point is to say what I feel, or whatnot, and I'm constantly worried that noone will notice. I should probably just do it. Heck, no maybes about it - I SHOULD just do it, just like I'm just doing it, now.
Perhaps one day, I can learn to get myself over this hurdle that I STILL have yet to overcome. Perhaps then, I'll have more to put in this dusty, old thing. Perhaps someone will notice, perhaps not.
Perhaps I'll learn not to care so much...
All things are possible to those who believe.
You definitely should come with me to QUT Christians stuff. You don't have to 'join the cult' so to speak, but I've been finding the people at my church ROCK! They know how to have fun, live life, because they're guided and not drunken idiots. Tonight we had dinner at southbank and saw a movie (some saw Rango, which seemed fairly meh, while the rest of us saw Adjustment Bureau, which, while not truly amazing, was a pretty fun movie). So yeah... they'll sort you out.
Also, what about film/game/etc reviews?
Well, it also stems from my inability to get my thoughts onto paper, both literally and otherwise; not to mention my inability to back up an opinion, at least in words.
Here's some sites that rock and are great for idea generation, if you want creative content. As for getting thoughts down: put pen to paper, write what comes to your mind. Don't censor yourself, don't be an editor, just... write. Remember that editing and perfecting comes later, after you've written. If you constantly worry about it, well you won't have anything to worry about because you won't have *anything*!
Random generators are my friends. You should try them too.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HomePage (3 Toys in the top left)
And the best advice for getting things to blog about? Go do stuff. Then write about that. Simple.
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