30 December, 2009

An End to a Lopsided Year

Ok, well, it's me, again, bringing you (along with too many commas) the latest in awesome news.

...or I would if I had any...

Nothing's happening, and it looks like it's going to stay that way, for a while. Unless New Year somehow brings tidings of motivation, it looks like there will be sporadic updates, at best, and not many, if at all.

I'd like to thank anyone out there that has come to visit, and hope you've enjoyed what little I've given you. Hopefully, next year, I can bring out some new stuff (and use twitter/facebook/etc to get it out there).

Here's to you, 2009.

15 July, 2009

The Way It All Ends

After 15 years, and almost 30 million units sold, EA LA have announced that the Tiberium saga will finally come to an end in Command and Conquer 4.

"Command & Conquer 4 will introduce a multitude of innovations to the to the classic fast and fluid Command & Conquer gameplay while retaining the core compulsions that fans have come to love over the series' history. Introducing new class-based gameplay, mobile bases and persistent player progression throughout all game modes, Command & Conquer 4 offers players new, innovative and compelling strategic depth."

Command & Conquer 4 will be shipping in 2010.

26 June, 2009

Most Definately Not A Thriller Night

The music world was rocked, today, when none other than the pop king himself, Michael Jackson, was taken from this world, courtesy of a cardiac arrest.

The 50-year-old pop icon was pronounced dead at 2:26PM Local time, at the UCLA Medical Centre in LA.

More details can be found here.

14 June, 2009

Bender says "We're Back, Baby!" again.

That's right, folks, according to a couple of sources, as of the ninth of June, 2009, Futurama is back in town!

It looks like Family Guy is not the only Fox show to get a resurrection, because Comedy Central has picked up 26 NEW episodes of Futurama, to be aired in the Fall of 2010.

What could be better?

...well, I suppose they could do the same to Firefly...

Intended Purposes

Well, I went back to the beginning of this blog - ie. the very first post - to find what I had originally intended to use this blog for.

For the most part, I've put Sonic Slam news, as well as any other site news I could scrape up. However, it seems I intended this to be used to talk about stuff that related to the different aspects of the site (at least as well as the site stuff).

So, I've decided to begin anew...sort of...from now on, I'm going to use this to talk about stuff like I had wanted to. I might even throw in a rant or two.

Mm-mm, b!%@#!!

02 May, 2009

Birthdays And Delays

Well, it was my birthday, yesterday - I turned 24, not that epic a number. More on that in my Myspace blog.

Sonic Slam could be better - I've been struggling with the strips - both with writing and creation, thereof - and instead of 180, it's only at 172. I'll have to step up the pace a lot if I'm to get to the big 2-0-0 by the end of June.

13 February, 2009

A Tyresome year

(From coramaximus.com)

Welcome to the year 2009 (I know it's February, just bare with me, here...) This year hopes to be a good year, but alas, another may go without realised dreams of being a tyre, as well as without being any good. There's nothing slated for semester 1, and I'm not sure I'll be ready for uni, come sem 2. Job-wise, I don't think I'll ever be ready, so yeah - I'm back to this.

AV In - To start with...Transformers 2. The first was awesome, and June will tell whether the 2nd lives up to expectations or succumbs to sequel syndrome. Then there's Futurama 4/4: Into The Wild Green Yonder, which hopefully, will be better than "Bender's Game", which was ok, at best.

Nothing else comes to mind, right now...

AV Out - Sonic Slam's at 160, I upgraded the coramaximus main page, last month...that's about it, unfortunately, unless I can think of something else to put up.

...and actually get myself to do it - oh, that would be the bee's knees, alright!

...mmmm...bee's knees...


I just ate a grape and I might accidentally get killed