19 March, 2011

Socialising - The Gap Filler

Well, tonight (or rather, last night, as midnight has rolled around since), I spent some time at the local inn with a friend of mine, drinking some ale and conversing tales of this and that. We chatted about geeky stuff, like how repetitive Pokemon has gotten (I mean, Team Rocket no longer serves a decent purpose, does it?), and it occurs to me why such a thing is important to a human being. I found the experience enjoyable, and I came out of it somewhat...happy.

I'm beginning to understand why regular joes go to the pub on Fridays. It's the social interaction that separates humankind from the rest of the animal kingdom...as far as I know, anyway... Everybody needs to have a friendly talk session, every once in a while. Personally, it's difficult for me to communicate with others, and sometimes I need to get together with a good friend or two and discuss random crap over a pint.

It's human nature to want to share one's experience with another.

1 comment:

Ryan Ferguson said...


It would really be fitting if this reply were a little wordier, dontcha think?