07 January, 2012

Lean, Mean, Wishful Thinking Machine

It's 2012, and I'm hoping to make this year my year to grow, physically, mentally, and emotionally. That's right, I'm going for the trifecta. The trilogy. The Tri-force, if you will. I mean, power, wisdom and courage match physical, mental and emotional pretty well.

What am I talking about? Look it up!

First up: Physical. I'm going to put in a real effort to improve my fitness, this year. At least, I'm going to put a real effort into...putting a real effort into it... I guess te best way to start is small. Something like 4 sets of 25 crunches once a day for a week. I don't know; I've never been good with discipline, but you've got to start somewhere.

I'm also considering signing up for martial arts. Not sure which, but one day, I hope to master at least one, and perhaps more than one. I need to learn me some discipline, and I doubt military is the way for me to go. This may also improve my mental state, and possibly emotional, so it's certainly worth looking into.

"Keep trying harder"

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